Pain Care Boise
Acute abdominal/pelvic pain is treated by SURGEONS, GI and/or OB/GYN doctors. If this pain becomes chronic and unresponsive to their treatments or surgeries, we often see the following problems:
Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer may respond to Celiac Plexus blocks (see Sympathetic block section)
Post-surgery pain can be due to irritation of Ilioinguinal, Genitofemoral, Intercostal and/or Pudendal Nerves. These irritated nerves may respond to Steroid injections and possibly Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (see PNS section).
Groin pain post hernia repair may also respond to Dorsal Root Ganglion stimulation ( see SCS/DRG section)
Vague Pelvic pain may also be the result of other chronic conditions such as from ruptured ovarian cysts, scar tissue after open surgery, endometriosis. For these Chronic Pelvic pain problems we may consider Superior Hypogastric blocks ( see Sympathetic block section)
If the chronic pain develops into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with definite sensitivity even to light touch or pressure on the skin referred to as allodynia and hyperalgesia, then Spinal Cord Stimulation (see SCS/DRG section) could be considered.