We are In-Network with most carriers and will work with you if your plan is out of network with
our facility. As this list isn’t exhaustive and is always being updated, please call your carrier or
our office at (208) 342-8200 to confirm.
We are In-Network with most carriers and will work with you if your plan is out of network with
our facility. As this list isn’t exhaustive and is always being updated, please call your carrier or
our office at (208) 342-8200 to confirm.
Several others, please call our office if your carrier is not listed here.
If you are involved with any liability claim (auto accident or other) we work with USI to
ensure that you can be seen and treated as soon as possible.
208-342-8200 (General Inquiries)
301 W Myrtle St, Boise, ID 83702